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Personalised Name Prints
  • Personalised Name Prints

    Create your very own Personalised Name Print!

    These beautiful 8 X 8 inch square prints of an original watercolour illustration by Creative Artist and Designer Hannah Baker make the perfect personalised gift for a little one. Simply choose your favourite character and let us know what name you would like added and we'll create it for you.


    Hannah is a UK artist who specialises in art for children and families. She has brought magic to families across the UK for over a decade painting murals and artwork in their homes and has now transformed some of her favourite illustrations into prints.


      Printed on white hammered textured 300gsm premium card which has a beautiful texture that enhances the watercolour paintwork of the illustration.

      The print is mounted in an off-white mount so it provides the perfect contrasting mount to the 8x8 square print.

      Please note: Frame is not included

    Color: white
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